from 5-45 km/h
from 50-00 m

Water Ski Lift for wakeboarding is designed for operation in water areas, and allows providing a distance between towers from 50 to 300 meters, as well as in swimming pools. The hauling speed is continuously adjustable from 5 to 45 km/h. Water ski lift is used for training and competitions in all water ski all-around disciplines. Ease of learning and complete safety of skiing, as well as accessibility for any level of training and age, make linear or reversible ropeways a worthy attraction that can attract a large number of outdoor enthusiasts. The ability to use water ski lift year-round as a simulator and attraction can significantly reduce its payback period.

Simplicity of design, environmental-friendly and efficiency are the distinguishing features of a water ski lift!

  • Ease of construction. The weight of a single element does not exceed 50 kg, which makes it possible to mount the water ski lift without the use of heavy construction equipment.
  • The supporting elements of the racks are included in the scope of delivery.
  • All water ski lift elements are hot-dip galvanized.
  • Automatic operation, with the ability to adjust the speed depending on the level of riders.
  • Possibility of mounting a return station in the water.
  • Full technical support at the stage of installation and precommissioning, as well as during the entire period of operation.

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